DAY 202: Still at 19 Minutes & 50 Seconds of Gazing

I have been struggling to find balance these past few months, perhaps all my life. Since returning from my five week vacation a giant unexpected hurdle came up in the face of the collective. It’s hard to even explain what it is because the collective is still pulling it’s usual numbers, but somehow it’s not […]
DAY 200: Moon Gazing: A New Moon & A Solar Eclipse

Tonight marks the first day of a new moon cycle, and it also happens to be a solar eclipse. In addition today is a Thursday, the day ruled by Jupiter, the planet of abundance and prosperity. So with such a nexus of positive energy, naturally my neighbors and I decided to do a prosperity spell. […]
DAY 199: Finally 19 Minutes & 50 Seconds of Gazing

Four days have passed. I finally gazed today, clawing my way toward the 20 minute mark, but not quite there yet. I’ve been at this on and off for almost 200 days now and when I look back before beginning gazing I can see drastic changes have occurred in my life. I am more serene. […]
DAY 195: Still at 19 Minutes & 40 Seconds of Gazing

It’s been an entirely crazy week. The collective seems to be stalled financially at our same old numbers, but the internal changes we have made to the business are staggering. An entire new line of menu pics, new descriptions, new web traffic, a blog, etc…and yet we can’t seem to reach our monthly goals. We […]
DAY 189: Still at 19 Minutes & 40 Seconds of Gazing

I have been getting up for Sadhana at 3:45am pretty consistently for the last week or so now, and it feels amazing and improves the emotional quality of my morning. As a trade off though, by 5:30 when I need to leave to make it to the top of the mountain to gaze, I am […]
DAY 187: 19 Minutes & 40 Seconds of Gazing

I could not get myself off the couch to go and gaze. This has been happening more and more the further I get into this process. It’s as if I am fighting my spiritual growth, which is really just regular growth, because everything has a spiritual component to it. The greeting card someone sends goes […]
DAY 186: 19 Minutes & 30 Seconds of Gazing

I’ve been reading this Eckhart Tolle book called A New Earth in which he describes how to transcend our ego, emerge into a sense of timelessness and end all of our mental and emotional suffering. I’ve been gobbling it up like crazy. Tolle quotes a beautiful story told by Indian philosopher and spiritual teacher J. […]
DAYS 178-185: 19 Minutes & 20 Seconds of Gazing

Right after determining that I was becoming unstoppable (see previous post) I skipped gazing for two days straight because I felt too tired and lazy. In fairness to myself I worked a 10 hour day both of those days and I would have had to sneak up to the mountain top and gaze during work […]
DAY 172: 18 Minutes & 30 Seconds of Gazing – My Birthday

Tonight, in honor of my birthday, both Brett and Nikki came along for the gaze with me; they were the original two who started this gazing adventure with me so tonight it felt like the band got back together. I’m not in a band so I have no idea how that really feels, but I […]
DAY 169: 18 Minutes & 20 Seconds of Gazing

It feels good to be gazing steadily again. My gazing has been sporadic over the last few weeks and yet The Great Whatever out there has been guiding me toward books and videos that shout the themes of devotion and practice and determination. I made a resolution with myself at the New Year that I […]