Describe the Most Beautiful Smell I’ve Ever Smelled (A Sensory Piece)

Baking bread Or that first waft of sugary cold air when you go into a candy shop. Not the ones in the mall, but the ones in cute downtowns that have nothing but candy, and at least 100 different shades of chocolate. Or rain about to come. Or the neighborhood during the rainstorm. Or the […]
Something I Can’t Live Without Is…?

Something I can’t live without is inspiration. Well, I can, but the living is grayer, heavier, less inspiring. I come alive when I get a visit from the muse Coursing with energy from the newly lit fuse I get excited about the ideas and visions about to take shape Its all I want to talk […]
If I Started Aging Backwards My New Goals Would Be…

If I started aging backwards my new goals would be hard to pin down. Would I be the subject of a media frenzy because I’m the first real life Benjamin Button? Or is this a world where aging backwards is a thing sometimes, so there’s no media outcry, but just an existential dilemma about my […]
Glancing At God (The Cat’s Meow)

Based on a writing prompt: “The Cat’s Meow” I look up, a mix of startled and befuddled, like a stunned cat. This cat looks up through glass the way I imagine myself looking up though my limits directly at God, if such a thing is dared. Almost like I looked up to defy but defiance […]
What if…Time Were An Illusion?

If time was an illusion it would mean I’m not getting older I’m just getting creakier It would mean there’s no such thing as being on time, which seems even freakier It would mean nobody dies young, and you can never show up late It means nobody peaked too early, and there’s nothing left but […]
Baby Steps To Adult Growth

*From a writing prompt in my monthly writer’s group. I am in my infancy still when it comes to adult growth. Can an infant even take baby steps, or would those still be way too large for me? Ego growth, denial growth, willful ignorance growth, now those I excel at. In that sense I’ve really […]
Things The Oldest Tree On My Block Has Seen…

The following spoken word piece comes from a writing prompt about what the oldest tree on my street could have witnessed…enjoy. Love, Brian THINGS THE OLDEST TREE ON MY BLOCK HAS SEEN. The oldest tree on my block has seen entire families grow up and die, living generation after generation in the same house. That […]
WRITING PROMPT: “It Takes Too Long…”

It takes to long to make home made bread And it takes too long to overcome existential dread It takes too long to make dreams come true And it seems to go by too fast whenever they do It takes too long to find the perfect mate But it also takes too long to get […]
WRITING PROMPT: When I am aligned with my higher self…

When I am aligned with my higher self I am non-verbal. I am uncontainable by language I am enough I am complete I am perfection I am realized realization realizing itself newly for the first time in just this exact way at this exact time I am a prism, crystalline awareness, flawless, Hard as diamond […]
WRITING PROMPT: I’ve Been Thinking

I’ve been thinking about the future. What I’m going to amount to, specifically. And as dreadfully cliche as this is going to predictably sound, I’ve been thinking about the past. What I was supposed to accomplish by now, and what I’ve lied about, stolen, manipulated and schemed my way into instead of living by faith. […]