Imagine One Day You Woke Up & Could No Longer Feel the Emotion of Inadequacy…

What would be different? What has changed? If I woke up tomorrow morning and could no longer feel inadequateI’d worry less about etiquette And whether the participle comes before or after the predicate I’d worry less in general, about opinions that I now let diminish me And it seems like they all but finish me […]
Don’t Get Pizza Wrong!

This piece was inspired by a writing prompt a fellow coach/writer gave in a group: “Write about something you are a snob about.” So here it goes. My thoughts on what makes really good pizza. DON’T GET PIZZA WRONG: The disc must be chewy, and the red drippings must be the perfect balance of tangy […]
If I Were A Ghost…

IF I WERE A GHOST… Could I still be haunted? Could I still be daunted? And I would still get all jealous and sour when people flaunted their shiny objects and expensive trinkets? It’s hard to imagine, but I tend to think it’s quite possible that a ghostly existence comes with similar pitfalls and challenges […]
What Are You Saying A Resounding “Yes” To?

Geez, I don’t know. First thing that comes to mind is that I’m saying yes to being broken. I have a broken tail bone and I’m embracing this down time. I’m going with the flow, learning and growing, right? Or am I simply escaping into television and cannabis? Am I crawling out my life and […]
Describing the Most Beautiful Sound I’ve Ever Heard (A Sensory Piece)

Is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard a ringing? Is it a steady sound or a wavering sound? Could it be a dinging, or am I more in search of a pinging. Perhaps it sound like a clanging But definitely not like a clanking, that’s more an awful sound, I’d imagine oft used in […]
The Perpetual Conversation That Never Really Was…

This fictional conversation was inspired by the writing prompt: “Imagine your inner lizard is a character in a fictional scene, write about a moment when something triggers its fear.“ Brian sits next to a crying teenager, comforting them. A parent approaches. PARENT: Why you tryin’ a tell people how to live their lives? Who died […]
I Wish I Had Paid More Attention When…

How can I answer this, it is impossible to know, because I wasn’t paying enough attention to this on going show I wish I had paid more attention when I was feeling content. What was I doing? What was I feeling? Believing?How was I behaving? Hell, what was I eating? How was I sleeping and […]
Beyond My Wildest Imagination

Someone asked me to imagine my wildest and best thing…. And my first thought was “no thanks, I’m zonked.” Can imagining make you tired? I imagine it can Like any muscle overused it gets torn and worn and in this case because of all the cognitive function involved in the workout, perhaps even forlorn I […]
What Inspires Awe?

In my writer’s group of fellow Wayfinder Coaches we were given the following prompt by a fellow coach: PROMPT: What brings you a sense of awe in your life and environment? What Inspires Awe? Volcanoes inspire awe Unless they are on a post card, then they’re awful. Babies being born inspire awe Unless they’re on […]
Existing Infinitely (Verbing Adverbally: The ‘Core Values’ Coaching Tool In Action)

In Martha Beck’s new book The Way Of Integrity she talks about using a verb + adverb phrase to discover your core values. For example it might be living (the verb) and courageously (the adverb), or loving fully, or chewing quietly (that’s one I’m still trying to master). In a writer’s group I belong to […]