WRITING PROMPT: “To Be Continued”

To be continued means we want your attention The story’s not over, there’s a twist, did I mention She has an evil twin from another dimension To be continued means you tune in watch next week Because she’s pregnant and kidnapped down by the creek And her lover was a con artist, a regular sneak […]
A Peek Into the Future

I facilitate a writer’s group with the Stratford Arts Alliance that meets every second Saturday of the month. In April one of the prompts was to “imagine what it would be like if you could peek into the future.” My ramblings are below: I don’t want to look, I’m afraid of what’s out there In […]
My Morning Inner Narrative

I’m too tired to chant today. But it makes you feel better Yea but you taught a night class, and sleep makes you feel better. Just chant Its fine if you don’t chant. Well either way you’re not going to feel guilty, that’s just a waste. You’ve evolved past guilt. Evolution doesn’t mean you don’t […]
WRITING PROMPT: “Something Small that Leads to Positive Change”

Something small that lead to positive change is every single baby who ever did something worthwhile in their lives… Like, I don’t know, learning to walk, or laughing with joy Or holding their head up and keeping their food down. Something small that lead to positive change is every molecule that ever mattered or became […]
WRITING PROMPT: “If I Knew It Would Turn Out Right I Would…”

If I knew it would turn our right I would tell more people about my Hollywood dreams. I would not second guess the value of making fictional TV stories. I would have more fun in the pursuit of the things I long to do more of. I might do community theatre. I’d spend more time […]
My Lack of Faith in Myself is Like Superhero Movies (The Metaphor Coaching Tool in Action)

I am currently finishing up my Wayfinder Life Coach training with Harvard trained sociologist and best selling author Martha Beck. One of the tools we learn to use is the metaphor tool. Using this tool we take something painful in our life (i.e. loneliness) and compare it to one of our favorite things (i.e. bowling). […]
A Dream Come True

The prompt was “A Dream Come True” which had me suddenly grappling with my lofty dreams up close against my sometimes mundane realities day to day. I coach people through this, yet here I am, struggling to find my balance while I dare to tip toe ever forward toward my wildly improbable future. Dreaming almost […]
Sweet Bitterness

This poem was the product of a twelve minute writing session with the Stratford Arts Alliance Writers Group that meets every second Saturday. The writing prompt was “making the bitter sweeter.” Things that are bitter are better when sweet But just adding sugar is a bit of a cheat The question I ponder is how […]
Passing Understanding, Finding Peace

When asked to contemplate my special place My first reaction is to go external To pick my hammock or my reading corner Where I curl up with my leather bound journal But that first reaction is not my true instinct For that instinct has been covered by culture Re-programmed and repeated to, A media messaging […]
There Is Just No Comparison (A New Way Of Using the Power of Metaphor)

In my coaching practice I use the power of metaphor with my clients to help them unlock creativity by bringing together unusal ideas in unexpected ways. As taught in her coach training program by my mentor and sociologist Martha Beck, you can compare a pain point, or area of suffering in your life to anything […]