WRITING PROMPT: “The Least Favorite Part of My Living Space”

On the tomb of Hermes reads the inscription “As above so below, as within so without.” The esoteric meaning behind this is that our outer worlds and experiences are a direct reflection of our inner worlds and experiences. So one tool we use in life coaching is called “The Living Space Tool” where I will […]
Embodying My Dream Self (The Dream Analysis Coaching Tool In Action)

In my coaching practice I have sometimes used the Dream Analysis Tool taught by Martha Beck in her Wayfinder Coach Training program and as outlined in her book Finding Your Own North Star. The way it works is you write down your dream. Then you write down the dream and either on your own or […]
Winter Mood

Snow covered potential Like drenched frozen meadows thaws slowly, if at all Potential is essential but frozen it becomes tangential A side kick in the comic instead of the dashing lead The power is atomic but encased in ice it starts to bead Water droplets douse my soul As the frost around my hot dreams […]
Who Chooses My Choices

“Self Improvement” Culture poses a question: How would I like my personality and behavior to change? Well, skating past the implied insult about my inadequacy as I am I will attempt to answer This question that feels like cancer. This is a topic I normally would avoid altogether You see, I like to think I’m […]
The Do No Harm Alarm

I wish an alarm would notify me whenever someone tried to manipulate me Whenever they lied, whenever they used my guilt or shame to leverage my compliance. Whenever they gaslit or throat slit or in my face spit. But a silent alarm of course, because you don’t warn a narssicist I wish an alarm would […]
A Truth About Me Not Very Many People Know…

A truth about me that not very many people know is how many carbs I eat v. how many I post up on social media. Not many people know how hateful I can be, but a few do, and fuck ‘em. Not many people know I’m addicted to approval, and self-loathing and porno. Not many […]
Hallmarks of Worthiness

Writing Prompt: Write about something presently in your life that is worth it. Hallmarks of Worthiness I’m told to write about something worth it. “Like gold?” I think to myself. “No no, something presently in my life”, I’m told. “Oh,” I laugh, because I certainly don’t have any gold. What do I have that’s worth […]
Broken Lives

Are there parts of my life that feel totally broken? Things I can’t swallow, or things that I’m chokin’ down to my stomach like mom’ soggy spinach That make me wish 2020 would vanish? When I think of my dreams, many unspoken Or my successes that seem like merely a token I am pressed down […]
The Truth Is…

The Truth is a concept The truth is our experience The idea of there being one truth is not truth And there is absolutely no absolute truth You can search for the truth, like a truth sleuth But if you force yours on others, well that’s a little uncouth If you want to know what’s […]
The Hang Nail in the Law of Attraction

“Positive thoughts attract positive things and negative thoughts attract negative things” feels like a grand oversimplification. “I have a hang nail” could be a thought. “I am not good enough” is another thought, but with an added dimension of judgement. “I worry that you’ll get sick” is yet another thought, but this time a new […]