Anti-social Media

We live our lives in public now It is different than before When we’d smile at an unexpected guest Come knocking at our door Our lives have become a tabloid piece Twitter, tweet and post your soul, an issue of Inquisitor With that burning spotlight pressing down We now fear that surprise visitor We post […]
Tired of Outrage & Sick to Death of Fear

Is anyone else tired of outrage and sick to death of fear? I know I am. But we do live in a very unsettling time, don’t we? This time on earth is a time of great transition, where governments are crumbling, air is dirty, politics are dirty, and our minds have become so dirty. This […]
Inner Voices

Nobody noticed when my identity got lost After all it’s not their problem, for they don’t bear the cost Plus if you look over you’ll see me sitting in that chair But if you look a little closer you’ll see I’m not even there I chased the dreams of others and chased a penny for […]
The War of Art

I want my art to be inspiring So I sit frozen, yet perspiring There is a pressure to express to burst, to splash, to dance in paint an urge, a burning I suppress so the urge is growing ever faint I want my art to be transcendent But I freeze alone, and codependent There is […]

I am not defined by the color of my skin I am not defined by the job I perform So no single letter could ever do the job Of bringing my sexuality into form I’m am bigger than who I like to fuck I am a lion, roaring with pride I’m burning for dick, I […]

I crunch the numbers, I add them up But will the sum of them fill my cup? I cut down here, I roll it back shaving and saving, clickety clack go the calculator keys, as I add and subtract But I need magic, not math, that’s the tragic fact. I do my best through thick […]
Airplane & Simple

I can write a dirty limerick I can write a little rhyme My Fly-fi isn’t working So this is how I’ll pass the time. I’m flying through the sky In a giant metal tube Longing for my landing So I can hit a big fat doob Finally feeling grounded After soaring through the air I’ll […]
How “The News” Became Bad News and Now It’s Just Old News

We as a species have been infatuated with ‘the news’ since ancient times. Once upon a time referred to as tidings, often simply called gossip, and in the last hundred years or so referred to as ‘current events’, the news has always really just been short-hand for ‘the newest stuff’; and across the globe humanity […]
Night Time v. Play Time: The Real War for Freedom

There is a war being waged every day. A war for peace and for autonomy. This violent and sometimes messy struggle pervades our society; nobody is safe, especially women and children. If you think you’ve remained unscathed then you are not a parent, and you must have blocked the terrors of childhood from your mind. […]
Our Responsibility

I’ve stolen money and I’ve given my money away I’m not a hoodlum and I’m not Robin Hood You know it’s funny how black and white make grey What’s wrong or right? Or fair; or bad; or good? I’ve been jealous and I’ve been the one betrayed I’m not a monster, nor am I a […]