Our Evolution

I don’t know for sure how our species came to be But I do know some things clearly, some things are plain to see We didn’t come to be at war, To keep a score and make life a chore; I know this to my core We didn’t come to impose our will to maim […]
Choices and Moments

I live my life in choices made You might call it the big parade I might call it a barrage of time You might say that’s just for an easy rhyme. I’ve had victories; and felt my losses I’ve been the pawn and I’ve been their bosses I’ve known regret, felt defeat wished for nothing […]
Moving Day

Today is a day when everything changes As I pack and carry, the divine rearranges my baggage and boxes both inside and outside saying try to enjoy this next wild ride I bite my lip, try not to resist Better to face it; To fully embrace it Because I hear life saying “Oh no, I […]
The Highest Excitement Routine

I’m living daily In a sticky, tricky, you wouldn’t believe where I got this hickey kind of wet dream. At times it gets so cinematic, so climatic, so automatic, that it can seem like I’m a character, playing a role, acting a soul, just taking a stroll down normality lane in a dark movie scene, living […]
As Things Stand Now

Round and round we go Where we’ll stop no-one knows We are tossed around by vice and cravings our power dims, our speech – just ravings we work so hard just to lose our savings This game is rigged, the traps are set It’s been a sham so long that we all forget Our liberty […]

All around me atoms collide to form my reality but can I decide to mold this moment with the power of thought or is that wishful thinking when I’m feeling distraught? so many theories that I’ve been taught. I swear, I can tell ya, at times it’s a snap the universe yields with the slightest soft […]
My Friend Ben

My friend Ben Is becoming famous Along with his wife he says ‘everyone can name us’ He was a pot head She was in casting He’s still a pot head That’s not just a past thing In fact it’s the premise on which his new show is based If you’ve seen the web series then […]
Far Away Storms

Everyone who comes to visit me seems to comment on just how beautiful this town is. I’m glad, because I keep forgetting. All of my life I’ve been a little—shall we say—particular; so even though I live in a town that is known throughout Orange County to have the ‘best climate in the whole state […]
Mind Hijacking: The Power of Self-Hypnosis

As I continue to self-hypnotize I am discovering that it is like meditation on steroids. It’s not just the power of positive thinking, it’s the superpower of positive thinking. My eating habits have been completely overhauled without the permission or consent or my will from under 10 sessions over 30 days. I have not had […]
Live Like a Rockstar, Because You Might Have Been a Rock or a Star in a Past Life.

I read a book a while back aptly called ‘The Convoluted Universe’ written by a past life regression therapist named Dolores Claiborne who reports to have taken people back to all manner of adventurous lives, both here on earth, and on other planets and realms at the far reaches of the universe. She claims to […]