Fractal Consciousness

I read a book a while back aptly called ‘The Convoluted Universe’ written by a past life regression therapist named Dolores Claiborne who reports to have taken people back to all manner of adventurous lives, both here on earth, and on other planets and realms at the far reaches of the universe. She claims to […]
My Life is My Story

As a writer, a blogger, I live life exposed; so I don’t have the luxury of regretting any of my choices. Hopefully, in the din of my dramas and delusions, I tell myself, I can transform my latest blunder into a blog post; my latest lapse in judgement into lasting impact for someone else. So, […]

I sit here shackled, enslaved in my cages Some I can snort Some I can chow on I made them myself And I’ll live here from now on I need them, they help me to contain all my rages So be a good sport So be a good brother Don’t rattle my cages Why don’t […]
Meme What You Say: Culture is Cracking Under the Weight of its Own Insignificance

As I rejoin the world of social media, one things sticks out at me — the adoption of the word meme to describe any old post we decide to broadcast to our various audiences around the world. Memes hold as much significance and sway as our genes do in shaping cultures, over generations, and yet I hear […]
Unclehood: The Chronicles of a Brand New Uncle

Unclehood (unk-al-hud): 1. (n) All the fun of parenthood, with none of the parenting. 2. (n) A second childhood when you’re all grown up. Technically speaking you could say I became an uncle 569 days ago when Charlie was born. But I didn’t feel anything. My sister did though, as she was basically ripped in […]
Last Snow Fall

Too much information TMI Just stop talking When I asked how things were going I didn’t mean it keep on walking I hope you’re not offended it’s just late please stop gawking If you make me get a TRO I’ll do it cuz this is stalking
Beat Up, Top Down

BEAT UP I beat the record for the person most wrecked I beat myself up and re-fill my cup I beat off and toke and cough then I wake up beat sweat on the sheet with tasks to complete but instead I recover and dream of my lover and pull tight the covers I waste […]
Time Off from Gazing @ the 20 Minute Mark

My car broke down 1 week ago today and in that time I haven’t even been able to consider sun-gazing because you can’t see her rise or set from my neighborhood during the safe hour because of the swamp of cement and sheet glass in the way. I’m surrounded by development, and I’m afraid that […]
DAY 206: 20 Minutes of Gazing – Summer Days

At 2:45pm pacific time today my sporty convertible, Summer, broke down bringing everything in my life, for a split second, to a screeching halt. I was on my way to a delivery and not in the best part of town. Thankfully there was a place called “Quick Auto Help” about 500 feet away. Perfect name, […]
DAY 204: Still at 19 Minutes & 50 Seconds of Gazing

I am going through a sort of “dark evening of the soul.” I wouldn’t exactly call it a dark night of the soul, because I’m living alone in a beautiful West Hollywood bungalow, making money enough to eat well, pay my bills and have some fun, and I work for my own small business, which […]