Mad Ravings

Here you will find Brian’s stray thoughts, mad ravings, and various and sundry opinions about miscellaneous subjects or nothing in particular at all. Sometimes funny, always irreverent, and relentlessly authentic, these snippets are sure to make you think, or make you cry, or make you angry. Read at your own risk.

WRITING PROMPT: Write about a moment the main character feels awkward, out of place or uncomfortable. You are the main character of …

WRITING PROMPT: Describe the most vivid texture you’ve ever touched or felt. I can’t decide between the thin sheet of warm sunshine …

Baking bread Or that first waft of sugary cold air when you go into a candy shop. Not the ones in the …

Based on a writing prompt: “The Cat’s Meow” I look up, a mix of startled and befuddled, like a stunned cat.  This …

This piece was inspired by a writing prompt a fellow coach/writer gave in a group: “Write about something you are a snob …

IF I WERE A GHOST… Could I still be haunted?  Could I still be daunted?  And I would still get all jealous …

Is the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard a ringing?  Is it a steady sound or a wavering sound?  Could it be …

This fictional conversation was inspired by the writing prompt: “Imagine your inner lizard is a character in a fictional scene, write about …

I facilitate a writer’s group with the Stratford Arts Alliance that meets every second Saturday of the month. In April one of …

I’m too tired to chant today.  But it makes you feel better Yea but you taught a night class, and sleep makes …

Hack Your Story

Use this guide to discover the life you were meant to live.

Life Hacking Story Book and Ebook photo

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!

Hack Your Story

Download this guide and hack your life story for good!

*We will never share your email address with anyone. We hate spam too!

Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!