Spoken Word

If you like poetry or spoken word then you’ve landed in the right place. Below is a selection of Brian’s poetry and spoken word piece on topics ranging from the nature of reality, to the state of society; from the philosophical to the totally illogical. Grab a cup of tea and settle in to warm up by the fire of your own inspiration.

WRITING PROMPT: Write about something in your life that might surprise people. How do I know what’s going to surprise anybody else?  …

WRITING PROMPT: Write about a moment the main character feels awkward, out of place or uncomfortable. You are the main character of …

WRITING PROMPT: Everything you write must be a question, in the form of a question, or a request. What have I always …

WRITING PROMPT: Describe the most vivid texture you’ve ever touched or felt. I can’t decide between the thin sheet of warm sunshine …

WRITING PROMPT: Describe something ordinary in a way that captures its beauty. One of the most ordinary things I can think of …

Believe it or not there is no such thing as solidity The concept of matter has almost no validity  When the quantum …

I suppose the main ingredient, like the base, the flour would be a belief in my inner power. Without that I can’t …

I don’t know what I wish I had yesterday Sometimes I just wish I had yesterday back Or last year, or my …

The idea of an ideal future appeals to me greatly. Ideal in the sense that is the best one possible.   Who …

From a writing prompt: If my worst fears came true it would mean I’m 67, alone, dying, impoverished, publicly humiliated, and universally …

Hack Your Story

Use this guide to discover the life you were meant to live.

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Hack Your Story

Download this guide and hack your life story for good!

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Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

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