Spoken Word

If you like poetry or spoken word then you’ve landed in the right place. Below is a selection of Brian’s poetry and spoken word piece on topics ranging from the nature of reality, to the state of society; from the philosophical to the totally illogical. Grab a cup of tea and settle in to warm up by the fire of your own inspiration.

I sit here shackled, enslaved in my cages Some I can snort Some I can chow on I made them myself And …

Too much information TMI Just stop talking When I asked how things were going I didn’t mean it keep on walking I …

BEAT UP I beat the record for the person most wrecked I beat myself up and re-fill my cup I beat off …

I walk through thickets they prick my skin I bleed I need where have I been?  My eyes are crowded my vision …

The present is a present it’s a gift It’s the only moment that can  cause real shift Learning happens now Not before, …

I’m way up ahead, on Debauchery Lane With snow lined surroundings that make me insane Crush the fine powder under my feet …

I wake up daily divided deeply disturbed by both the ease of my life and its listless lack of learning I long …

Ebony skin hangs on  thin glass bones. As the boys dance I marvel that ankles don’t shatter. Can I have one copper …

My screws are loose And my sanity has been  Re-attached so many times with masking tape That my skin burns and becomes …

(written in Iambic pentameter) Like a matchstick withers in a rainstorm I don’t stand a chance to stay dry or warm And …

Hack Your Story

Use this guide to discover the life you were meant to live.

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*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!

Hack Your Story

Download this guide and hack your life story for good!

*We will never share your email address with anyone. We hate spam too!

Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!