Discover A Curious
New Strength

Learn to Navigate Life in Unsettling Times Using the Superpower of Your Own Curiosity

Registration Opens in Fall 2022

Intuition is a curious thing.

We all have hidden internal technologies that can guide us toward our best life. These hidden technologies have gone by many names over the course of human history, from the sixth sense, to intuition, inner-knowing and spiritual insight. No matter what you call it, this gift will guide us in our decision-making processes if we let it.

In order to let intuition guide us we have to know how to access it. Once we do that we have to learn to trust it. Once we do that we are unstoppable.

Your curiosity is the most straightforward surefire way directly toward your intuitive nature.

You may be thinking that you have bills to pay and obligations to attend to, so spending some fanciful time indulging in your curiosities isn’t going to do you any good, is it?

Well, the short answer—yes! It will do you a world of good.

And not just because your curiosities are naturally things you love and enjoy, but because there is cutting edge science and ancient wisdom to match, that says, our curiosity has the power to guide us toward what is most advantageous for us. So what may seem like a gratuitous detour around creativity alley actually ends up being a direct shot to your deepest joy.

Hi, this is Brian Hogan.

Right now you’re probably struggling in myriad ways from the cascading and cumulative upheavals happening in our world today on a near constant basis. You’ve been managing to cope with overwhelming, non-stop change at a break-neck pace.

Many of us are just ready for it all to go back to normal. For life to return to the wonder and simplicity of pre-COVID era 2019. But I can tell you one thing as surely as the sun will come up tomorrow: the changes will not stop. In fact, they will only continue to accelerate.

Wondrously though, we have been born with all the tools we need to successfully navigate life’s changes right inside us. The tools live in the invisible space between our mind and body, the same place our imagination lives. These tools are the force that causes us to breathe and pump our blood without us thinking about. The tools that helps us navigate change are our intuitive nudges, our internal guidance system.

It’s where gut meets instinct.

It’s absolutely possible to move from confusion to clarity, overwhelm to mastery, and bewilderment to fascination. The way to do it is to access, trust, translate and then follow your intuition. I can show you how.

Join me.

Brian Hogan Listening

Registration Opens in Fall 2022

More About Discover A Curious New Strength

This all new four-week course from Brian Hogan, MFA, offers you an entirely new way of understanding your reality and practical tools to help you shape it into something that resonates, finally, deeply, with who you really are.

In Discover A Curious New Strength you’ll learn:

  • How to access your intuition using ancient visualization practices and modern mental health mindfulness techniques
  • How to trust your intuitive nudges using your own mind/body connection developed through meditative breathing practices
  • How to translate your intuitive guidance using imagination exercises, spontaneous embodiment techniques and structured writing
  • How to follow your intuition using practical tools and exercises
  • How to feel safe and calm in your body using presence and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy techniques (ACT)

As you learn and master these concrete tools you can apply them to every area of your life. You will begin to fully discern and trust your intuitive nudges and have the sense of being led by a mysterious benevolent force, down the synchronistic, often miraculous and guided path toward your best life.

Registration Opens in Fall 2022

Why should I sign up for Discover a Curious New Strength?

Dog sniffing a kitten

Instead of merely coping with changing circumstances and constant upheaval Discover A Curious New Strength will teach you how to thrive and flourish in these uncertain times.

Combining the tools of myth and dream, modern mental health techniques and ancient imagination rituals, Discover A Curious New Strength provides an innovative way to create the life you want no matter what the circumstances are around you.

Registration Opens in Fall 2022

Why Learn From Brian?

Brian is an award-winning filmmaker with his MFA in Storytelling and he has spent decades mastering the narrative form. He is also a certified life coach trained by Martha Beck (Oprah’s Life Coach) and currently studying Clinical Mental Health Counseling to earn a second master’s degree.

His combination of passions uniquely qualifies Brian to teach participants how to master their own inner-narrative, see past it to their deeper intuition and then learn how to guide their life from that wiser, deeper and more benevolent place.

Brian is perceptive, open and always in his truth, which created the space for me to stand in mine.

Registration Opens in Fall 2022

What Will I Get?

Access Your Intuition

You start to feel inner guidance more often more deeply and more reliably 

Less Confusion, More Clarity

Intentionally relax your nervous
system so you can find your inner knowing

Re-Discover Wonder

Learn to find the seeds of joy in the things you already always wonder about

Universal Consciousness

Join up with the wisdom of our collective consciousness to maneuver complex terrain

Guiding Sensation

Learn the unfailingly loyal “yes” and “no” language of your body

A New Life Story

Practical changes in your emotional wellbeing, habits and circumstances

Are You Ready?

Registration Opens in Fall 2022


Please email and we will answer all of your questions.

The call schedule is TBD. The calls will be 90 minutes each, once a week for four weeks in late 2022/early 2023.

Yes, all calls will be recorded and the recording and transcripts will be available on the learning site 48 hours after the calls.

You’ll have lifetime access.

All participants may request a refund until 1 week before the course.

To request a refund, email and we will process your refund no questions asked.

We will not offer refunds after the refund window closes.

Curious? Discover More Now

Registration Opens in Fall 2022