Welcome to the Life Story Hacking Blog

Brian shares about his personal transformation journey and clumsily hopeful philosophy of life in spoken word poetry, mad ravings and his counter-cultural column about radical self-acceptance: Notes to Self. Brian also shares techniques that work for him that anyone can use to hack their own life story, leading to a more fulfilling, peaceful and joyful life experience. It all starts in our mind and slowly but surely becomes our daily reality

I have been struggling to find balance these past few months, perhaps all my life. Since returning from my five week vacation …

Tonight marks the first day of a new moon cycle, and it also happens to be a solar eclipse. In addition today …

Four days have passed. I finally gazed today, clawing my way toward the 20 minute mark, but not quite there yet. I’ve …

It’s been an entirely crazy week. The collective seems to be stalled financially at our same old numbers, but the internal changes …

I have been getting up for Sadhana at 3:45am pretty consistently for the last week or so now, and it feels amazing …

I could not get myself off the couch to go and gaze. This has been happening more and more the further I …

I’ve been reading this Eckhart Tolle book called A New Earth in which he describes how to transcend our ego, emerge into …

Right after determining that I was becoming unstoppable (see previous post) I skipped gazing for two days straight because I felt too …

Tonight, in honor of my birthday, both Brett and Nikki came along for the gaze with me; they were the original two …

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Hack Your Story

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Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!


*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!