Welcome to the Life Story Hacking Blog

Brian shares about his personal transformation journey and clumsily hopeful philosophy of life in spoken word poetry, mad ravings and his counter-cultural column about radical self-acceptance: Notes to Self. Brian also shares techniques that work for him that anyone can use to hack their own life story, leading to a more fulfilling, peaceful and joyful life experience. It all starts in our mind and slowly but surely becomes our daily reality

The idea of an ideal future appeals to me greatly. Ideal in the sense that is the best one possible.   Who …

From a writing prompt: If my worst fears came true it would mean I’m 67, alone, dying, impoverished, publicly humiliated, and universally …

Baking bread Or that first waft of sugary cold air when you go into a candy shop. Not the ones in the …

Something I can’t live without is inspiration.  Well, I can, but the living is grayer, heavier, less inspiring.  I come alive when …

If I started aging backwards my new goals would be hard to pin down.  Would I be the subject of a media …

Based on a writing prompt: “The Cat’s Meow” I look up, a mix of startled and befuddled, like a stunned cat.  This …

If time was an illusion it would mean I’m not getting older I’m just getting creakier  It would mean there’s no such …

*From a writing prompt in my monthly writer’s group. I am in my infancy still when it comes to adult growth.  Can …

The following spoken word piece comes from a writing prompt about what the oldest tree on my street could have witnessed…enjoy. Love, …

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Hack Your Story

Download this guide and hack your life story for good!

*We will never share your email address with anyone. We hate spam too!

Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!


*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!