Welcome to the Life Story Hacking Blog

Brian shares about his personal transformation journey and clumsily hopeful philosophy of life in spoken word poetry, mad ravings and his counter-cultural column about radical self-acceptance: Notes to Self. Brian also shares techniques that work for him that anyone can use to hack their own life story, leading to a more fulfilling, peaceful and joyful life experience. It all starts in our mind and slowly but surely becomes our daily reality

The Do No Harm Alarm

I wish an alarm would notify me whenever someone tried to manipulate me Whenever they lied, whenever they used my guilt or …

A truth about me that not very many people know is how many carbs I eat v. how many I post up …

Writing Prompt: Write about something presently in your life that is worth it.  Hallmarks of Worthiness I’m told to write about something …

Broken Lives

Are there parts of my life that feel totally broken?  Things I can’t swallow, or things that I’m chokin’  down to my …

The Truth Is…

The Truth is a concept The truth is our experience The idea of there being one truth is not truth And there …

“Positive thoughts attract positive things and negative thoughts attract negative things” feels like a grand oversimplification.  “I have a hang nail” could …

Anti-social Media

We live our lives in public now It is different than before When we’d smile at an unexpected guest Come knocking at …

Is anyone else tired of outrage and sick to death of fear? I know I am.  But we do live in a …

Inner Voices

Nobody noticed when my identity got lost After all it’s not their problem, for they don’t bear the cost Plus if you …

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Hack Your Story

Use this guide to discover the life you were meant to live.

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*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!

Hack Your Story

Download this guide and hack your life story for good!

*We will never share your email address with anyone. We hate spam too!

Brian loves to discuss stories and storytelling with anyone who will listen! If you are interested in hosting a Screening w/ Filmmaker Q&A please fill out the form below and Brian or one of his team will reach out to you right away.

*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!


*I never share your email address with anyone, I hate spam too!