If My Favorite Mood Were A Type of Food What Would Be The Recipe to Make The Perfect Batch Every Time?

spices in jars
Brian Hogan

I suppose the main ingredient, like the base, the flour would be a belief in my inner power. Without that I can’t make anything at all. 

Have you tried making bread without flour, the enterprise is dour, and the mood becomes sour. 

So once I’ve measured out my six cups of inner power I’d need to add some water….the ingredient that can transform inner power into something bankable like dough. So the water is my imagination, that makes my power kneadable, and malleable. 

When imagination and inner power are mixed together you can beat it down and it retains its shape. You can break it apart it but it just transforms into the raw ingredients for biscuits instead of loafs. You can’t make imagination and power useless. Even without anything else involved it came become flat bread.  

So once I have the perfect combination of imagination and inner power, my water and my flour its time to get clear on what I’m making, so that my imagined desire can start baking.  

Perhaps I need yeast if I’m trying to rise to the occasion

Perhaps I need salt if I’m trying to enhance a situation 

Perhaps I need herbs if I’m looking to spice things up 

Or some cheese sauce to fill my cup.  

Or some strawberry jam if I’m trying to create more sweetness 

Or just a warm, secure oven to bring my vision to completeness 

The recipes I could make are infinite in number 

I could make a salad of emotions, or use only cucumber 

The trick is to find pleasure in the various combinations 

To be a world class chef learning to bake with skill

So that when life brings its inevitable tribulations 

We are eating what we choose, and are bellies always full. 

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spices in jars
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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