WRITING PROMPT: “It Takes Too Long…”

trippy clocks
Brian Hogan

It takes to long to make home made bread

And it takes too long to overcome existential dread 

It takes too long to make dreams come true 

And it seems to go by too fast whenever they do

It takes too long to find the perfect mate 

But it also takes too long to get the check on every bad date 

Sometimes I think I’ll fuck anything and other times I think I’ll wait 

It takes too long to let my own voice be heard 

Which is why I always tend to come in third

It takes too long to do things the way you should 

And it seems impossible that I’ll ever by fully understood 

It takes too long to start from scratch 

But it feels so wrong to let life snatch 

All my hope about a better tomorrow 

So I throw up my hands and surrender to sorrow 

And think about the peace I could one day borrow 

If I can’t have any that’s my very own that is. 

It takes too long to save up a down payment 

Or to fully awaken from our cultural enslavement 

It’s been taking too long for our next phase of evolution 

Which is why we’re on the brink of revolution 

May the light of the divine show itself as our solution 

Its taking too long for the ice caps to melt 

Or is that just a gloomy story we’ve all been dealt 

It’s taking to long to find my happy chewy center

The place where I feel safe and few can enter 

Sometimes I think I’ve glimpsed it, the hedgy labrynth almost clearing 

But in one anxious breath it vanishes, without anybody hearing 

And as I search for it again I can almost sense it nearing

And that responsiveness is what I find so magical and endearing. 

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trippy clocks
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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