It’s been an entirely crazy week. The collective seems to be stalled financially at our same old numbers, but the internal changes we have made to the business are staggering. An entire new line of menu pics, new descriptions, new web traffic, a blog, etc…and yet we can’t seem to reach our monthly goals. We are meeting expenses, but not breaking old records. I am savvy enough now to know that this is a blessing, but despite this it still makes me feel a little tense. I’m doing yoga again and I think this is part of the universe’s agenda…to get me back to a clean, healthy and self-loving lifestyle. I needed to be brought low from my party days, from my adventuring or I never would have given it up. This is the method I’ve chosen to use to come back to health, and even though my conscious mind didn’t prefer it at times, so far it has been working like a charm. The Sadhana and the Sun-Gazing has orchestrated this. My entire year has been bent to a schedule that revolves around the schedule of the sun. With the sun-gazing the reasons are obvious, but even with Sadhana, the required 4:00 am rising time encourages my rhythms to sync up with the sun as well. This has been healing and cleansing and I’d like to say magical. But at the moment, I’m just a little too tired.
SIDE EFFECTS: When you invite sunlight in to shake up your dysfunctions and make you more whole, it messes with your life.
BENEFITS: Whatever, this part of the journey sucks.