DAY 71: 11 Minutes & 50 Seconds of Gazing

sunrise in pink
Brian Hogan

“I cannot cause light, the most I can do is put myself in the path of it’s beam.” -Annie Dillard

Tonight I gazed again at sunset, this time with a small group of casual gazers. My friends Nikki, Kelly and Johanna all joined me on the top of the mountain to watch the glowing gentle ball as it disappeared from our view. The alter that Yogi D made the night before was still there, a reminder to me of the day the Universe gave me a great big hug. I smiled at my magical memories of that mystical day as we waited for the sun to shift from the hot white of day to the evening shade of deep gold that can hold your eyes transfixed. Kelly, who was gazing for the first time, managed to keep her eyes locked on the ball of fire for almost the entire time. Nikki and Johanna who also only gaze occasionally, were motionless and mesmerized. The light just before the dark dusk of evening captivates us more easily, like a glowing hearth light in the fireplace of your childhood home that you are returning to for the first time since last Christmas. It’s sweet, welcoming, and familiar. 

Kelly almost didn’t join us on our small mountain trek to meet the sun because she was feeling nauseous. After the gazing was over she marveled that she felt better, she was no longer nauseous. I was surprised because from my research I thought physical healing wouldn’t happen until after three months of continuous gazing. But I guess if you jump from ten seconds to twelve minutes your first time out the miracles can come even quicker. The skeptics may argue it was just getting out of the house, or the fresh air, or the good times with friends that made Kelly feel better. They could be right, but whatever the cause the fact remains: Kelly was nauseous, gazed at the sun and was nauseous no more. 

Johanna and Nikki both report the sun becomes solid black color to them after a short time of gazing. My yoga teacher and fellow gazer Brett has told me the same thing before as well. I have read some articles about Surya Yoga (or Sun Yoga) where the Yogi’s report the same thing, the disc becomes black and then after a while they report it will open itself up to you, almost like you are now looking behind it or through it. I have yet to experience this transformation from white to black as I gaze. For now I am content to experience my inner transformation from dark to light. I feel more light-hearted, and more enlightened. I say “enlightened” meaning that I understand the oneness of things now so in spite of stressful events around me I am able to remain relaxed and at peace in circumstances that might have driven me up the wall a few short months ago. As the sun fills me with light, I am indeed able to lighten up. 


BENEFITS: The mental and emotional transformation promised in phase one (1-3 months) is in full swing. The changes in me and my world view are real, lasting and filled with light. 

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sunrise in pink
Brian Hogan

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About Brian

Brian is a Writer, Clarity Coach, Filmmaker and Adjunct Professor who loves teaching and learning, and living in the uncertainty of it all.




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